#3–Ambiguity: Paradox or Hypocrisy?

In the next three posts, I’d like to introduce what I’ve identified as the “3 Greatest Barriers to Partnership”. Each of these three barriers also applies to learning and communication… which are fundamental building blocks for individual stability, stable partnerships, and stability at the community level. Addressing stability at these three levels is a core principle of LEAD FROM YOUR CURRENT POSITION®.

#3 Ambiguity: Paradox or Hypocrisy?

We face ambiguity often… so often, I propose, that it is a natural condition–not a problem or challenge. After all, how do we know we know the whole truth? We know what we know… from our viewing angle and perspective. But let’s face it, we live in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world where ambiguity is a natural condition. Being able to navigate in the face of ambiguity is a vital skill.

The story of the Blind Men and the Elephant illustrates how ambiguity is so prevalent… and gives us insight into the need to communicate, continuously gather information and knowledge, respect others’ perspectives, collaborate, and promote transparency.

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If we accept that chaos is the “new normal” and that “VUCA” (Volatility–Uncertainty–Complexity–Ambiguity) is a reasonable framework to recognize the nature of the conditions that we operate in, then that begs a question: “How can we best operate in this VUCA environment?” I believe that EMBRACE THE WOBBLE™ will unfold as an extraordinary solution to a stable and balanced life.


Simply put, I believe INDIVIDUAL STABILITY is the most fundamental and essential requirement in life. Other people can tell you about it, demonstrate it, and even try to teach you with tips, tricks, and shortcuts. But I believe it’s an inside-out process that’s best attained through Self-Development (the first phase of LEAD FROM YOUR CURRENT POSITION®).

In order to be highly effective… in fact, EXTRAORDINARY, we must seek to master INDIVIDUAL STABILITY. Yes, it’s a lifelong journey. But, like learning to fly a helicopter, your first major task is to HOVER… to firmly establish yourself on the path to master INDIVIDUAL (aircraft) STABILITY.

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