If we accept that chaos is the “new normal” and that “VUCA” (Volatility–Uncertainty–Complexity–Ambiguity) is a reasonable framework to recognize the nature of the conditions that we operate in, then that begs a question: “How can we best operate in this VUCA environment?” I believe that EMBRACE THE WOBBLE™ will unfold as an extraordinary solution to a stable and balanced life.


Simply put, I believe INDIVIDUAL STABILITY is the most fundamental and essential requirement in life. Other people can tell you about it, demonstrate it, and even try to teach you with tips, tricks, and shortcuts. But I believe it’s an inside-out process that’s best attained through Self-Development (the first phase of LEAD FROM YOUR CURRENT POSITION®).

In order to be highly effective… in fact, EXTRAORDINARY, we must seek to master INDIVIDUAL STABILITY. Yes, it’s a lifelong journey. But, like learning to fly a helicopter, your first major task is to HOVER… to firmly establish yourself on the path to master INDIVIDUAL (aircraft) STABILITY.

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The LFYCP® One-Week Challenge

I want to provide you with a basic framework to help you refocus and achieve extraordinary daily results. I call this framework: “The Top 4 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Every Day to LEAD FROM YOUR CURRENT POSITION®”. The world is calling out for your genius, but the noise and clutter of your world may deafen that call.

Try answering these four questions every day for just one week and see what a difference it will make… and let us know what kind of results and insights you have below.

Four Questions

The four key questions you should ask yourself every day to Lead From Your Current Position® are:

  • What is my primary responsibility as a Leader?
  • What is the ONE thing I should create, cultivate, and encourage in my environment?
  • What is the ONE thing I should eliminate in my environment?
  • Are there additional questions that would give me insight into how I can lead from my current position?

Sign up for the FREE “Leader’s Guide” on my homepage if you haven’t already done so.

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Lead From Your Current Position® Logo

The Lead From Your Current Position® logo consists of:

A position indicator symbol that incorporates a tilted globe,

three people (in the core of the globe) forming the point,

and a diagonal swoosh around the top, placed on a map.

Here’s what each symbol means:

  • Position Indicator Logo (placed on a Map) = Your current position/location… not your position/title.
  • Globe = The concept is Global: All people; no one left out!
  • Swoosh = Action is required from each of us. Only those who act will triumph!
  • Three People = The minimum number of people required to form a stable partnership (three–a TRIAD). Four is better and even more is even better.

The word “LEAD” in the phrase Lead From Your Current Position® emphasizes the necessity for all of us to LEAD (contribute to an environment where others flourish) AND incorporatestriangle inside of “A”  to highlight the significance of the TRIAD as the foundation for stable partnerships.

The LFYCP® Subtitle: The world is calling out for your genius!

Leadership is contributing to an environment where others flourish.--Wayne Pollard #LFYCP #Leadership Click To Tweet


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LeadershipPersonal DevelopmentProductivityPassion


I wanted to take a moment to describe what inspired me to create Lead From Your Current Position®. Knowing this will give you a better understanding of the concept and insight into the rationale of why you should Lead From Your Current Position®… and maybe inspire you to contribute your thoughts here.

What is our duty?

Developing this concept is deeply personal. In my journey through life, I’ve consistently sought to identify my purpose… to identify my duty.

In addition to the preparation my parents and schooling provided me, I’ve been fortunate to serve in one of the greatest leadership apprenticeship programs in the world: serving in the United States Army. A Retired Army Officer, my military career spanned 24 1/2 years where I served in a variety of positions as an Airborne Infantry and Attack and Cavalry Aviation Officer. I had the privilege to lead five platoons and command two companies and an ROTC battalion. Additionally, I taught at the Aviation Captain’s Career Course, the United States Military Academy (West Point), and Indiana University (Bloomington).

Always a Soldier, I’ve spent my entire life inquiring about leadership and learning. This has continued since I transitioned from military service.

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The Nature of Leadership

What is the nature of LEADERSHIP

Leadership Defined?

To begin to answer that question, many start out by trying to define leadership. Is it:

  • the position or function of a leader?
  • to provide purpose, direction, and motivation?
  • influence?
  • setting the example?
  • having followers?
  • having certain characteristics?
  • to accomplish organizational objectives?
  • etc. etc. etc.?

Google it

We might even start by googling leadership. If you do that, you’ll receive 5.6+ billion results. Additionally, you’ll discover that experts have tallied over 1500+ leadership definitions, over 40+ leadership theories, and numerous styles, historical views, and myths. All of this only seems to complicate the issue of the true nature of leadership.

I’m always surprised by the answers I get when I ask someone “What is the nature, definition, or purpose of leadership?”… as well as how hard it seems to be to answer the question. Any one of those three variants seems to stop people dead in their tracks… every time. After a very long pause, I usually get one of the examples I used above.

Leadership Re-imagined, Simplified, and Re-defined

I’d like to suggest a way to simply leadership so that we can all do it more easily and more naturally. So, here’s my attempt:

Leadership is contributing to an environment where others flourish.

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A New Day: 1 January, 2024

Happy New Year, Y’all!

May you find freedom, peace, and meaning in 2024… and contribute to an environment where others flourish as you LEAD FROM YOUR CURRENT POSITION®. #LFYCP

A new day… 1 January! It is a great day to reflect on our duty, responsibility, possibilities, and life’s journey.

  • The world is calling out for your contribution!
  • The world is calling out for your genius!
  • The world is calling out for you to LEAD FROM YOUR CURRENT POSITION®!

There’s no denying that personal reflection holds immense importance in various aspects of life. By taking time to reflect on our actions, thoughts, and feelings, we gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This understanding allows us to make better decisions, learn from our mistakes, and grow as individuals. So, if you want to lead a fulfilling and successful life, make reflection a part of your daily routine. Trust me, it’s worth it!

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