In The Following Pages

As I start to unfold the re-imagined leadership conversation here and encourage your involvement and participation, I’d like to start with this quote that describes my true intent.

In the following pages I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments and common sense; and have no other preliminaries to settle with the reader, other than that he will divest himself of prejudice and prepossession, and suffer his reason and his feelings to determine for themselves; that he will put on, or rather that he will not put off, the true character of man, and generously enlarge views beyond the present day.”  Thomas Payne, Common Sense

And, in tribute to Warren Bennis (8 Mar 1925 -31 Jul 2014):

None of us is as good as all of us.--Warren Gamaliel Bennis Click To Tweet

He was a Soldier, an American scholar, organizational consultant, and author, widely regarded as a pioneer of the contemporary field of Leadership studies.

So, please join me as I synthesize and share my insights and observations from my current position. Everything on this site is intended to spark conversation, creativity, and innovation… to encourage you to LEAD FROM YOUR CURRENT POSITION®. Additionally, I will share tips and techniques on personal development, productivity, and my passions (Golf, Fountain Pens and Inks, Photography, Books, Technology, and Racquetball to name a few).

Lead From Your Current Position® is about Self-Development, Partnership, and Service #LFYCP Click To Tweet

My strongest desire is that we generously enlarge our views beyond the present day.

DISCUSSION QUESTION:  What is your biggest obstacle or challenge that keeps you from leading from your current position?

If you enjoyed this post, please consider sharing it with your friends, and be sure to subscribe to the LEAD FROM YOUR CURRENT POSITION® email list!


Check out the Blog Posts in these Categories:
LeadershipPersonal DevelopmentProductivityPassion

Everyone has the power to achieve greatness–the world is calling out for our genius!”

Wayne Pollard

Be Great! Juliet Doherty at TEDxABQ

I’m perpetually inspired by this beautiful, poised, and wise two-time World Champion Ballerina who, while 15 years old at the time of this presentation, has a great message for us all…


NOW IT'S TIME TO JUST DANCE!--Juliet Doherty Click To Tweet

Go Juliet!… from your #1 FAN!

Juliet Doherty, dancer and philosopher extraordinaire’s TEDxABQ talk is live!

If you enjoyed this post, please consider sharing it with your friends, and be sure to subscribe to the LEAD FROM YOUR CURRENT POSITION® email list!


Check out the Blog Posts in these Categories:
LeadershipPersonal DevelopmentProductivityPassion

To dance is to throw yourself fully into your passions. Let go, express your joy, and leap with abandon!”

Juliet Doherty

A New Leadership Conversation

Please join me as I start a new conversation on a vital subject: LeadershipIt is a subject that is as old as mankind and needs to be re-imagined for the 21st Century… particularly since we are 24 years into it.

Will you join me in this conversation?

Lead From Your Current Position® is about Self-Development, Partnership, and Service #LFYCP Click To Tweet

I will also be posting about my core values (ACTION, PASSION, LEADERSHIP, and LEARNING) and interests (Golf, Photography, Fountain Pens, Everyday Carry, and Reading, etc).

I look forward to sharing, learning, and growing so that you can LEAD FROM YOUR CURRENT POSITION®… and that means everyone; no one left out!


Check out the Blog Posts in these Categories:
LeadershipPersonal DevelopmentProductivityPassion

A New Day: 1 January, 2024

Happy New Year, Y’all!

May you find freedom, peace, and meaning in 2024… and contribute to an environment where others flourish as you LEAD FROM YOUR CURRENT POSITION®. #LFYCP

A new day… 1 January! It is a great day to reflect on our duty, responsibility, possibilities, and life’s journey.

  • The world is calling out for your contribution!
  • The world is calling out for your genius!
  • The world is calling out for you to LEAD FROM YOUR CURRENT POSITION®!

There’s no denying that personal reflection holds immense importance in various aspects of life. By taking time to reflect on our actions, thoughts, and feelings, we gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This understanding allows us to make better decisions, learn from our mistakes, and grow as individuals. So, if you want to lead a fulfilling and successful life, make reflection a part of your daily routine. Trust me, it’s worth it!

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