What is the nature of LEADERSHIP

Leadership Defined?
To begin to answer that question, many start out by trying to define leadership. Is it:
- the position or function of a leader?
- to provide purpose, direction, and motivation?
- influence?
- setting the example?
- having followers?
- having certain characteristics?
- to accomplish organizational objectives?
- etc. etc. etc.?
Google it
We might even start by googling leadership. If you do that, you’ll receive 5.6+ billion results. Additionally, you’ll discover that experts have tallied over 1500+ leadership definitions, over 40+ leadership theories, and numerous styles, historical views, and myths. All of this only seems to complicate the issue of the true nature of leadership.
I’m always surprised by the answers I get when I ask someone “What is the nature, definition, or purpose of leadership?”… as well as how hard it seems to be to answer the question. Any one of those three variants seems to stop people dead in their tracks… every time. After a very long pause, I usually get one of the examples I used above.
Leadership Re-imagined, Simplified, and Re-defined
I’d like to suggest a way to simply leadership so that we can all do it more easily and more naturally. So, here’s my attempt:
Leadership is contributing to an environment where others flourish.
This new version is an update from my previous thoughts, where I’ve replaced “CREATING” with “CONTRIBUTING TO”. I did this to reinforce the concepts of service and participation and emphasize partnership/equality over hierarchy:
Leadership is creating contributing to an environment where others flourish.
It really is that simple… and I believe the world would be a much better place if more people understood and aligned with this concept.
The inquiry into the true nature of leadership can help us more precisely determine what our role or function in life is… to determine our true purpose. I believe the world is calling out for our (your) genius… the world is calling out for us (you) to lead from our (your) current position. Everyone… no one left behind or excluded… no one. Every person can benefit from this simple, but challenging description. And, it opens the door to a great inquiry… one that this site is dedicated to… What is the nature of LEADERSHIP?
DISCUSSION QUESTION: What are your thoughts on the nature of leadership?
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