A pep talk that is worth viewing, remembering, and living every day!
It’s everybody’s duty to give the world a reason to dance.” Kid President
You just been pep talked! Create something that will make the world awesome. Play ball!--Kid President #LFYCP #Leadership Click To Tweet
I think we all need a pep talk.
The world needs you. Stop being boring! Yeah, YOU! Boring is easy. Everybody can be boring whether you’re good or not.
Life is not a game, people! Life isn’t a cereal either. Well, it is a cereal. And if life was a game, aren’t we on the same team? I mean, really right? I’m on your team. Be on my team.
This is life, people! We got air coming free to your nose. You got heartbeat… (boom boom…) that means you got to do something.
A poem, “two roads diverged in the woods… and I took the road less traveled…” And it hurt, man! Really bad! Rocks! Thorns! and Glass! my… broke! waahh! Not cool, Robert Frost! But what if there really were two paths? I want to be in the one that leads to awesome.
It’s like that dude Journey said, “Don’t stop believing… unless your dream is stupid”, then you should give up your dream. I think that’s how it goes. You better dream to keep going. Keep going, keep going, and keep going.
What if Michael Jordan had quit? Well, he did quit. No, he retired. Yeah. Yes, he retired. But before that, in high school. What if he quit when he didn’t make the team? He would never make Space Jam and I love Space Jam. What will be your Space Jam?
What will you create to make the world awesome? Nothing if you keep sitting there! That’s why I’m talking to you today. This is your time! This is my time! It’s OUR time!
We can make every day better for each other. If we’re all on the same team, let’s start acting like it. We got work to do. We can cry about it or we can dance about it.
We were made to be awesome. Let’s get out there. I don’t know everything. I’m just a kid but I know this, it’s everybody’s duty to give the world a reason to dance so get to it!
You just been pep talked! Create something that will make the world awesome. Play ball!
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