focus on being connected, always learning, fully aware, and super present.”

Joi Ito

Even truth needs to be clad in new garments if it is to appeal to a new age.”

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799)


One of the great paradoxes of life is explained in Samuel Ullman’s poem YOUTH: “Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind”

Failing to see the paradox that “youth” has another dimension other than time, can cause us to look outward for something that is inside all of us. Many folks live a life unsatisfied in search of the Fountain of Youth and other external solutions.

Instead, consider that:

It is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.” Samuel Ullman

It’s no wonder that this poem was a favorite of General Douglas MacArthur. He had a framed copy on the wall behind his desk (in his Tokyo office) while serving as the Supreme Allied Commander in Japan. He often quoted the poem in his speeches and read the entire poem at his 75th Birthday Celebration.

I’ve included it here and in my Leader’s Guide (free sign-up gift). I read it often. Nothing helps me maintain focus, perspective, and courage more than this gift from Samuel Ullman. I hope it will inspire you, too.

May you always pursue your ideals!

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8 Questions You Can Use to Provide Clarity on Your Journey

There are many tips, lists, and tools to help you navigate through life. One tool that I’ve used since its introduction by Tom Peters in 1996, is a PERSONAL BRAND EQUITY EVALUATION. Tom outlines eight simple and thought-provoking questions that you can use to provide clarity on your journey.

The PERSONAL BRAND EQUITY EVALUATION is my #1 navigation tool for assessing my journey through life. I’ve used it since 1996 and update it every 90 days. I also recommend completing and reviewing a PERSONAL BRAND EQUITY EVALUATION every 90 days. Doing so will reduce the chances of stagnation and promote action, intention, clarity, and innovation in your life. It will also promote your connection to others.


  1. I am known for: [2-4 items].
  2. By this time next year, I plan also to be known for [1-2 more things].
  3. My current project [which is:_________] is challenging me in the following [1-3 ways].
  4. New stuff I’ve learned in the last 90 days includes [1-3 things].
  5. Important additions to my Address Book in the last 90 days include [2-4 names].
  6. My public—local/regional/national/global—“visibility program” consists of [2 things].
  7. My principal “resume enhancement activity” for the next 90 days is [1 item].
  8. My resume is discernibly different from last year’s on this date in the following [1-2 ways].

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All we have, as in all, personally or professionally, is the quality of our relationships!”

Tom Peters

A Message to Garcia

Elbert Hubbard was that rarest of beings–a philosophical businessman. In 1895 he founded the Roycrofters, a community of artisans selling handcrafted goods. A prolific author, he was a favorite of Henry Ford, Theodore Roosevelt, and other great leaders of his time.

A Message to Garcia is Hubbard’s most famous work. In it, he argues that the greatest hero is the man who simply does his job, completing the task no matter what the obstacles. Within Hubbard’s lifetime, the Message was reprinted more than any book besides the Bible.

Elbert Hubbard was one of the most interesting American characters of his time. He had a rare faculty of expression and he used it to serve the cause of common sense in this country.”  Henry Ford

Get your copy here through my Amazon Affiliate link: A Message to Garcia

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